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Wednesday, February 05, 2025

New Year, New Me! (January 2025)

New Year, New Me, eh? I'm not one for resolutions and have endeavored to make changes when I feel they are necessary and not waiting for a particular date to do so. But the new year often allows for a chance to reflect on the past year and plan what's in store for the new. These pictures may or may not have anything to do with that. :) 

January 2025 begins with me 62 pounds lighter and with something akin to a beard. That's definitely new me material.

I am resolved to get outside more and have been able to get at least one long hike in every week. The weather has been cooperative.

This place reminded me of that one scene from the movie GalaxyQuest.

I've entered the bird-watching phase of adulthood. I don't hate it!

I bought myself a new camera for Christmas, I'm enjoying learning all the new bells and whistles.

That's 5. They do mostly depict something or somewhere new. They were all taken by me. Happy New Year to all and best of luck for a prosperous and healthy one.

1 comment:

Out and About with the GeoKs said...

Ha ha! The birdwatching phase of adulthood. I reached that phase a few years back, accelerated, perhaps, by COVID restrictions. :) 62 pounds lighter + a beard? Definitely qualifies as almost new you. Way to go! Looking forward to more bird pics from your new camera as the year progresses.