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Monday, October 07, 2024

Experiences (September 2024)

September had quite a few new experiences for me and some not so new but different. I don't have a lot more to sat than that so I'll let the photos do most of the talking.

We've had quite a bit of wildlife at the house this late summer/fall. Egrets, herons, titmouses(mice?), wrens are among the feathered friends. This long legged one was walking down the drive one morning. September2024_2550

Volunteering for the bike race was old hat but they changed up the route to an entirely different side of town. Our radio club tracked and dispatched the sag wagons while some of sat out on course and helped with keeping the aid stations supplied and relaying messages back to the start/finish.

I attended my first collegiate volleyball game. It was fun and I've been to several more since.

My first collegiate soccer game too. Also fun, but I haven't had a chance to get back out.

Did I mention wildlife? I couldn't figure out what was driving Charlie so crazy. We had several mommas and babies grazing acorns out back.

That was my five. As a bonus, I bought a wifi camera bird feeder. That has been fun to watch.

I also managed to catch the baby daddies come for some acorns one night.


Lisa said...

Living in and among wildlife is always good for some unique experiences! We have lots of deer that drive our pupper crazy. He cornered a possum the other night and didn't quite know what to make of her. College sports are experiences! I like the energy they bring to their sports. I admire you for getting out there for bike races. I'm sure they are full of good and bad experiences!

Tamara said...

I love your furry and feathered visitors!
So now that you discovered college volleyball and soccer, *hockey* needs to be next!

Out and About with the GeoKs said...

We've thought about a wi-fi bird camera on and off. Which one did you go with? It's pretty great that it also captures other wildlife in the yard, like the deer baby daddies! Seems you had a great mix of experiences in September...here's to the next round!!