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Monday, February 03, 2020

Photo Blogging Challenge (January 2020): New

A new year, a new challenge, a new theme. It's all new. Let's go!

A new toy. I got a GoPro Fusion 360 degree camera to play with. You can do all sorts of things besides just VR. Like our Tiny Planet selfie at the top of Enchanted Rock.

My gym got these new bikes. Similar to Pelotons, they have trainers that lead you on bike rides through cool scenery to keep you mind off the exercise and that it is cold and rainy outside.

I bought a new reflector and gave it a shakedown on some senior portraits for Will.

Connor is our troops newest Eagle scout.

And I got a new library card. My kids had theirs but mine was long expired. No more!

So there's what's new. January was super busy; February is not slowing down. I can't wait to see what's next.


Dawn said...

How awesome! New toys!! I'm jealous, a GoPro!! It's on my wish list. Let us know how you like it. Pros and cons. Thanks
Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

Tamara said...

Congratulations, Connor, what an honor! (Love the pun, too.)
What a fun toy you got yourself.
Way to spend time at the gym! Were you working out or just taking pictures ;-)

P.J. said...

That GoPro looks pretty wild. And nice work with the reflector. Time sure does seem to going fast. I need spring to get here so I can hit some baseball games and slow things down a little!

Out and About with the GeoKs said...

Great work with the reflector. I have one...really should remember to pack it along on hikes because it's so light and packable it would really make a difference in some shots. Kinda jealous of the little planet pic - photos like that are on my someday list. :) Excellent group all around.