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Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Photo Blogging Challenge (August 2015): Rule of thirds

This month's challenge was the Rule of Thirds. As I was putting this all together I found myself wishing I had more examples of NOT following the rule. We all know the rules of photography were meant to be broken. And I know I have plenty of examples of that in my photo stream. Enough about breaking rules, lets look at those I took this month that follow the Rule of Thirds.

Sometimes I like using the bottom third leaving some negative space up top.

It's true that following the Rule of Thirds lends to a visually appealing photograph. I've been doing it so long that generally I don't even think about it.

People portraits are the easiest, I think, in terms of the Rule of Thirds. The eyes have it! Or at least the head.

But animals work pretty good too. You don't have to keep it a traditional framing in order to keep it in the thirds.

This one is another example of a more non-traditional framing. I wanted to increase the sense of urgency by showing the kid trying to run off the frame vs. more lead room of a traditional framing.

And a bonus shot to show you can go vertical as well and still follow the Rule of Thirds and she was just too sassy not to include.

Check out more examples by visiting the other participants over at a 'lil hoohaa blog. Take a look at September's challenge and think about participating. Visit all of my August shots over at my flickr stream. Until next month.