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Monday, June 30, 2014

Photo Blogging Challenge (June 2014): Vehicles

The June theme for PJ's Photo Blogging Challenge was vehicles. I knew it was going to be a challenge because I was spending a good portion of June on a backpacking trip at Philmont Scout Ranch in the mountains of New Mexico. Then sitting down to try to pull out five ended up being the challenge, so I have a couple extra this month. Sue me! Here we go!

On one of our practice hikes, I came across this nice looking Impala. I did a bit of shopping to remove the back of my truck and some wires. I really liked this car.


We did actually run across some vehicles at Philmont. These were at Baldy Town. John had seen them on their web page and was looking for them during the trip. I'm glad we found them for him. The boy loves cars!


Just hanging out at the airport after a trip to Dallas for a retirement party for a couple of coworkers.


This truck belongs to a local coffee shop, Dichotomy. They bring it and their delicious coffee to our farmer's market every Saturday. It goes great with the crepes! The coffee, not the truck.


This weekend, we went up the highway a little to West, Texas. You may remember it from the news last year when they had the horrible fertilizer explosion. It's a little more than 20 miles from home; we heard the explosion. Anyway, West is a small community of Czechs with loads of good food. After dinner we were checking out the old M-K-T depot when the train whistle blew. So now I have planes, trains, and automobiles covered.


Bonus Boat Shot: Boats are vehicles, no? My oldest and I went for a little paddle this evening. I shot this as we were packing up. I liked it too much not to include it.


And final fun time bonus, Saturday morning on the way to the farmer's arket, I spotted a for real DeLorean running in the wild. Get in the car, Marty, no time to explain!

DeLorean in the wild! #twitter

So there you have it, another month and another group of photos. Won't you check out the others of at the a'lilhoohaa blog? You won't be sorry. Why don't you think about participating next month. The theme will be up tomorrow (if you are reading this June 30.) Until next month...