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Sunday, March 09, 2025

Free for all! (February 2025)

For this months Free For All theme, I've chosen no real deep meaning to my selection. These are just five photos that I enjoyed from my collection taken this month. Without further ado...

This guy had just told a joke he particularly enjoyed.February_2025_1630

Chinese New Year celebration.February_2025_2724 

Crossing the Brazos at Waco.


Yampa Valley Sunset


We've been going to Steamboat Springs for more than 20 years and always pass this little cabin. I always think I should stop and capture it. I finally did this year. Then played with some creative editing.February_2025_3789

There's my five. Next month marks 12 years, I think, of this group. I can't believe it's been that long. Check out the others over at A 'lil Hoohaa and then join us, won't you?

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

New Year, New Me! (January 2025)

New Year, New Me, eh? I'm not one for resolutions and have endeavored to make changes when I feel they are necessary and not waiting for a particular date to do so. But the new year often allows for a chance to reflect on the past year and plan what's in store for the new. These pictures may or may not have anything to do with that. :) 

January 2025 begins with me 62 pounds lighter and with something akin to a beard. That's definitely new me material.

I am resolved to get outside more and have been able to get at least one long hike in every week. The weather has been cooperative.

This place reminded me of that one scene from the movie GalaxyQuest.

I've entered the bird-watching phase of adulthood. I don't hate it!

I bought myself a new camera for Christmas, I'm enjoying learning all the new bells and whistles.

That's 5. They do mostly depict something or somewhere new. They were all taken by me. Happy New Year to all and best of luck for a prosperous and healthy one.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Holly Jolly (December 2024)

Christmastime came and went in a hurry this year. We were busy, so busy I forgot to finish the November challenge but I'm back! I think I'll let the pictures do the talking; there's not much to say but Happy New Year! Let's go. 






Bonus 1: My boys know their Momma likes her Santa pictures so they still get one done. Year 25.

Bonus 2: Some of my people.

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

It's Fall Y'all! (October 2024)

The theme for October was It's Fall, Y'all! And it is fall and fall brought all sorts of 'F' words.

We start with Fiesta, celebrating Kelly's f-word birthday. She is now well into her f-words.October_2024_0012

Fall is also for Fairs. We were able to make a quick stop at the State Fair of Texas for our Favorite Fletcher's Corny Dogs!SFOT_2024_0117

Fall brings Formula 1 to Austin.October_2024_0408

Fall is also all about Football.October_2024_0485

And Football brings Friends together for Homecoming.October_2024_0491

And finally for a bonus, since F words are on my mind. Eminem provided the largest F-word of the month!


There you have it. Short and sweet and full of Fs. Hope to see you back in November provided we are all still here! (I'm writing this on Nov 5)

Monday, October 07, 2024

Experiences (September 2024)

September had quite a few new experiences for me and some not so new but different. I don't have a lot more to sat than that so I'll let the photos do most of the talking.

We've had quite a bit of wildlife at the house this late summer/fall. Egrets, herons, titmouses(mice?), wrens are among the feathered friends. This long legged one was walking down the drive one morning. September2024_2550

Volunteering for the bike race was old hat but they changed up the route to an entirely different side of town. Our radio club tracked and dispatched the sag wagons while some of sat out on course and helped with keeping the aid stations supplied and relaying messages back to the start/finish.

I attended my first collegiate volleyball game. It was fun and I've been to several more since.

My first collegiate soccer game too. Also fun, but I haven't had a chance to get back out.

Did I mention wildlife? I couldn't figure out what was driving Charlie so crazy. We had several mommas and babies grazing acorns out back.

That was my five. As a bonus, I bought a wifi camera bird feeder. That has been fun to watch.

I also managed to catch the baby daddies come for some acorns one night.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Explore! (August 2024)

The Explore prompt was easy for me this month as it started out in our continuing cruise to Iceland.  

I'll start this on the eastern coast of Iceland in a tiny little village called Djupivogur. We decided to take a little 4 mile hike when about half way it started a downpour and gusts of 40MPH. Still, we found this beautiful black sand beach.

Our next stop was supposed to be the island of Heimaey. Unfortunately the high seas would not allow us to make a landing but the captain took us on a cruise around the island and to this neat feature, Elephant Rock.

We landed in Reykjavik and disembarked the cruise. We had a few days so I have lots of of photos to choose from. We hired a guide to take the group of us around the Golden Circle. Our first stop was Þingvellir National Park. We walked between the North American and Eurasian continental plates and found a number of waterfalls. While these lovely falls were indeed lovely, they have a bit a sordid legend. The are known as the Drowning Pools. You can read more.

Our last stop on the Golden Circle was Kerið Volcanic Crater. It was quite a site to behold.

Before we said goodbye to our travel companions, we had one bucket list item we had yet to check off: Puffins! A quick Google search found a tour that would take us out to Puffin Island and we saw all the puffins we wanted!

Amy and I had one more night in Reykjavik. We hiked around town a bit before having a lovely dinner alone. We finished the night at the Lava Show. It was an interesting man-made lava exhibit. Our return home left us with a 22 hour layover in London. We booked a hotel at the airport and took the train into the city and got to see Wicked! The flight home was uneventful. Thankfully.

There are my five. I have so many more to share but you can find those over on my flickr page.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Things I Love (July 2024)

Last month the theme was I Get Around, this month, I really got around but I was doing things I love so it all worked out in the end.

Things I Love: Love and Love and Nothing Else...except for maybe live shows at Red Rocks and Trampled By Turtles!

And also maybe live shows at the Dylan Amphitheater and Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit.

Oh yeah, and then there is street art, that's pretty cool and even cooler when led by a street artist that is passionate about it.

The lights of a city at twilight. It's a pretty sight.

And finally the Bee Gee's. 😁I mean, who doesn't love 'em!?

Special bonus: These three are my life without a doubt!
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There's my July in a nutshell. Hopefully, you had a great month as well.