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Sunday, March 09, 2025

Free for all! (February 2025)

For this months Free For All theme, I've chosen no real deep meaning to my selection. These are just five photos that I enjoyed from my collection taken this month. Without further ado...

This guy had just told a joke he particularly enjoyed.February_2025_1630

Chinese New Year celebration.February_2025_2724 

Crossing the Brazos at Waco.


Yampa Valley Sunset


We've been going to Steamboat Springs for more than 20 years and always pass this little cabin. I always think I should stop and capture it. I finally did this year. Then played with some creative editing.February_2025_3789

There's my five. Next month marks 12 years, I think, of this group. I can't believe it's been that long. Check out the others over at A 'lil Hoohaa and then join us, won't you?