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Monday, August 03, 2020

Photo Blogging Challenge – Letters (July 2020)

July has come and gone. Time is flying yet simultaneously standing still. We were talking this weekend about how much we miss simple things like going to see a movie. Anyway, our theme for July was letters. Let's see what I've got!

Looking to get away but maintain social distancing, we headed to the woods. The forest, actually. Pecos, NM to be exact. We spent 4 nights backpacking near Pecos Baldy. Saw very few people outside of the four of us. It was pleasant.

On the way back to Texas, we passed through Ft. Sumner, NM. They are one of two places that lay claim to the final resting place of Billy the Kid. The other is about 30 minutes from home and being a proper Texas boy, I know the one near me is the real deal! 😏

While we were gone, my photo Drobo array failed. New ones are backordered. I have one at the office and was able to get my drives up and running and copied over temporarily saving me the time of having to restore from my cloud backup.

My oldest is no longer a teen. Happy Birthday, John.

July is my birthday month as well. My mother in law gifted me this. My college mascot is a bear.

There's five. There are letters in all those things! I wonder what August will bring.