I work for an insurance company and we were deemed an essential business so I've had no real trouble keeping busy. We've got about 70% of our employees working from home now. The first couple of weeks of roll out were a challenge but it's working pretty great. I've done my best to keep busy when not working to try to maintain some sense of normalcy.
I've been holding Zoom meetings with a small group of new scouts who had just joined before the shutdown. It's not the same, of course, but I have enjoyed interacting with them and demonstrating scout skills. We even had a virtual campout.
I've been riding my bike again. The roads, even the back roads, are little less crowded. I love riding through the corn and wheat fields around my house.
I've been hiking a lot too. I'm lucky to have a beautiful city park with fantastic hiking/biking trails so close.
I did have to make a trip up to our Tulsa office to check on things. The Tulsa airport was packed with these parked American aircraft. It was surreal to see.
Back to the fun of keeping busy, I finally became one of those people baking bread. I found a copycat recipe for the Outback Steakhouse honey wheat bread. It was delicious.
We are just in the beginnings of June already. Summer will be here soon. Things are just so weird and different. My youngest child has graduated from high school. All of the college camps for the summer have been cancelled so his freshman experience is going to be so different as was his senior experience. I hesitate to call anything "the new normal" as people are wont to do. I don't think anything has stabilized enough to be called any kind of normal. We just keep doing what we do. Making the best of it. Keep taking pictures!