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Thursday, February 07, 2019

Photo Blogging Challenge (January 2019): Books

I'm traveling and present a relatively uninspired submission for the challenge. Here's hoping for a better time in February.

This is my first Diver's Logbook. I filled it up two years ago. It's fun to go back and look at our adventures.
My Great Uncle was a published author. Whenever I find a copy of one of his books, now all out of print, I buy it.

They were translated into different languages and sometimes renamed and rebranded into pulp novels to help sales.jan2019_2683

This is one of my favorites. PJ might have some interest in it as it was set on the D&H Canal near Cuddebackville, NY.
This is my journal/notebook/daily carry. I've got backpacking trips, shopping lists, a little of everything in this recycled firehose covered journal.

This is the way I read most my books now. It's just easier when traveling. Until the batteries die...