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Friday, September 07, 2018

Photo Blogging Challenge – Photographer's Choice (August 2018)

We had the opportunity to visit a friend of a friend this month. My dad, the boy, and I, along with a couple of friends went to check out this amazing car collection. It was impossible to choose five so if you like cars and one of the craziest home theater setup I'd ever seen, take a look at the full album over on Flickr.

He has about four barns worth of cars, this is the smaller but maybe most valuable monetarily at least. The Shelby front left is autographed by Carroll Shelby and the Challenger on the right is autographed by Richard Petty. 

I've always liked DeLoreans, the boy shares my fondness. This guy has two.

Here's a better look at the Shelby. It's a bid-engine so you have to kick your legs off towards the door. For $100,000, I'd like a little more comfortable ride.

This is the movie barn, he's built a replica of the Blues Brother car, the Little Mule from Romancing the Stone is a real Ford Bronco sitting on top of the equipment room, the dragon is from a Disney property, and the 38 Special custom van rounds it out. I'm standing in an area full of vintage arcade machines.

He built this facade to emulate an old service station complete with attendant.

There are so many more unique vehicles. The guy just buys and doesn't ever sell. So, again, take a look at the full album. Take a look at a lil hoohaa for more.