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Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Photo Blogging Challenge (April 2017): Color

Color/Colour - That is the theme for April. We were blessed with a good mix of rain and sun this early part of the year so we have some color to share.

This little guy is cute but he/she sure makes a mess. A mud wren or swallow of some kind. Nasty nest in the house and poop everywhere. I'm going to have to figure out a way to keep them away from the house next year.

Again, the weather has been great but so much has been going on that we haven't had much camping opportunity. The council put on a camporee at a local college and that got some of our newer guys out to at least get a starter course in setting up camp and cooking. The morning started early!

After a ton of work, I finally got the pool looking good and then my rock guys came back to work on the patio and it's cloudy once again due to rock dust. But at least I have evidence...
Water selfie.

I found these pretty little buttercups out on a walk.

Hello, Mr. Tree Frog. We have a ton of these guys around the house. Makes for quite the chorus in the evening and through the night. Also gives our hawk a bit of a snack. :o
Frog 🐸