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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Photo Blogging Challenge (February 2017): Love

Love is in the air... in all the photos you see. This month's Photo Blogging Challenge theme was love. I'd love to show you what I have!

I love the time I get to spend with the scouts. They tried hard to catch some trout at a pond in a state park that had been recently stocked. It was just too warm.

I love that this one is starting to figure out how to fix his own issues. I know nothing about cars, so I'm not much help.
February 12 of 12 (5 of 12)

I love that my wife is great at making sure we have a little something for all the holidays. She can run with a theme!
Early Valentines Cake!

I love the crazy things we do as a family, even though we are missing one in this photo, like running through the streets of Austin for 13.1 or 26.2 miles depending on ones activity level. (hint: the boys took the shorter course)

And finally, I just love to be outside whenever I can. Especially when the weather is like this!

So, how about that. 5 photos. It's been a busy month but a good one. Go take a look at a 'lil hoohaa for the other entrys to this month. I think March is year 4! Join us. Visit my flickr stream for a daily dose of me.