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Friday, July 13, 2012

Scoutmaster Mike

MayCoH_2012_2285, originally uploaded by cmiked.
On May 22, 2012, I became the second scoutmaster of Troop 377. I'm honored to have been selected and have had a great time so far. I have learned that it is more work than I originally thought but the time spent with the troop makes it all worth while.

On Monday I head to Sid Richardson Scout Ranch to attend Woodbadge training. It's essentially advanced scoutmaster training. We will go in as Webelos II ready to cross over to Boy Scouts and progress through ranks throughout the week. I'll post a report afterwards. I'll see what I can do about getting back into this blog. Why not?

Also of note, John received his First Class rank at the May Court of Honor. He is keeping up with his requirements nicely.

Hoohaa Holga Challenge

Holga_Challenge_011, originally uploaded by cmiked.
I recently participated in the Hoohaa Holga Challenge in which six photographers from around the globe documented their town using their Holga cameras and a roll each of 400 ASA color and black and white film. We posted our 12 favorites as well as a brief blog post over at the HooHaa's blog. Here is a link to mine: http://hoohaablog.com/?p=3987
I encourage you to check them all out.