Originally uploaded by cmiked.
You know that Good Times Video version of Pinnochio that was $4.99 at the Walmart cash register. The one your mom bought thinking it was the Disney version. I mean, Pinnochio and Giapetto are it's just nowhere near as good as the Disney one. That's pretty much the way I felt about the Clone Wars. The music sounded familiar but was no John Williams conducting the London Symphony Orchestra. They were decent imitations of the voices we became accustomed to over the last three movies.
We've also gotten to expect a certain level of realism in animation. This was something like a cut-scene from a video game from ten years ago. No facial expressions, the mouth movement was just wrong. Really disappointing.
So, I get over the music and the animation and start getting into the story a bit (the whole story line was a touch weak), but I finally start enjoying myself some and then comes the biggest wha-what EVER!
A GAY HUTT, That's correct. Jabba the Hutt has a homosexual, strip-club owning, saxophone loving, fluorescent makeup, feather wearing, Truman Capote-esque uncle. Zero the Hutt. Absolutely insane. I found myself laughing out loud at this. "I always depend on the kindess of strangers."
All that said, my boys, 6 and 8, loved the movie and are ready for it to be on DVD. TV would have been a much better place for it.