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Friday, February 05, 2021

January Photo Challenge: Change and Hope

A change in the calendar is expected to bring change or at least the hope of change. There is plenty than I am hopeful that will change. Let's see what I have in the old camera bag.

A dawn of a new day at the start of a new year. What could be better? January2021_5941

How's this for change? Snow in Waco. Real, actual snow, not that slushy stuff we get on occasion.

Can't think of a better day to take a dip in the lake! I love my adventurous friends.

We had a pretty bad fire out at the family ranch. Fortunately, it didn't damage any structures and will allow for a beautiful spring, I hope!

A change in power in the US and our first female Vice President. What a day!

January was a decent month. We're seeing hospitalizations coming down here. Folks are slowly getting vaccinated. I'm on the waiting list. Soon I hope.

Check out the other participants over at a lil hoohaa, join us next month!