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Monday, October 05, 2020

Photo Blogging Challenge – Snap Away (September 2020)

I've been away from the computer so I hope I got this done in time. Not time to waste!

We finally got some rain breaking our drought. Almost 9 inches total for the month.
It's Raining Cats N Dogs

Everything old is new again. Saturday night, social distanced, at the drive in. 

CreativeWaco, and art collaborative, commissioned some mask related murals around town.September_4636

It's Texas, so you know football is back, 25% capacity and masks.



Lisa said...

Nine inches of rain! Wow! I'd agree that would break a drought. I've not been to a drive-in theater in decades. I love finding butterfly wings in some of the alleys around time. And, football is back in our town as well...just wish our team was better!

Tamara said...

Spread wings, not Covid, Amen to that.

Our hockey season started October 1st. They allow up to two thirds of the regular audience in. Season ticket holders have a schedule what games they are allowed to attend. currently a handful of players are quarantined, so already a few games had to be postponed.

Be safe!

Out and About with the GeoKs said...

I recently read that over half the US is under drought conditions. Did the 9 inches take Texas out of drought conditions? Or merely break the drought. We're watching to see what the NHL does for the 2020/21 season. Meanwhile, the World Series is at least something for hard core sports fans. Love the butterfly message. Don't think enough people are following it though. Alberta's new case counts keep breaking records - and not in a good way! :(