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Thursday, July 02, 2020

Photo Blogging Challenge – The Notebook (June 2020)

It's time for another a lil hoohaa monthly challenge. This month's theme was The Notebook. I missed some obvious ones thinking back. But I have plenty of notebooks lying around.

This is my regular catch-all. It was a freebie from a conference a few years back. 

I really like Field Notes notebooks. Several years ago, one of my Boy Scouts told me about Recycled Firefighter. This one holds the Field Note memo book and is made of recycled fire hose by a retired fireman. This has traveled on all of our backpacking/canoeing adventures as my camp journal.

We have just a few notebooks at work holding the paper we don't need to scan or archive for long periods of time.

The last weekend in June is ARRL Field Day for Amateur Radio operators. I earned my Technician license a little more than a year ago. It is the base license and doesn't give me access to many bands. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, our club would get together in the park and I could work off a more advanced license. Due to COVID, our club did not have an official gathering. One of the other members invited me to his place, and practicing appropriate social distancing guidelines, allowed me to work his setup. We didn't get all the continental US states but we covered a great deal of them as well as Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area.Field Day

Do we still refer to laptops of a certain size as notebooks? As COVID numbers rise here in Texas again, I'm preparing to move my office back home for a time.

That's five and I'm done. Take a look over at alilhoohaa to see the other participants. And join in next month!


Tamara said...

Awesome that you got to have some fun with your radio! I had no idea people were still using them?! Here's to hoping you and your buddies will soon be able to get together in person again.

I certainly call a laptop a notebook.

Getting Fit in MA said...

Great job and love the computer interpretation

Getting Fit in MA said...

Great job! Like the computer interpretation